Higher Education Guide to People's Republic of China
The People's Republic of China has one of the largest education system in the world. There are many colleges, universities and Institutes of Higher Education across China. These institutes offers bachelors, masters, diploma, degree, non-degree, doctoral, MBA and many other programmes to fit for everyone. China is one of the top countries for International students. The Higher Education in China comes under the administrative control of Ministry of Education of Government of China. To formulate and execute education policies the ministry has several departments and institutions. The ministry is also responsible to formulate and regulate school education in China.
is the world’s most populous nation. According to the UNESCO institute
of statistics, it had a population of 1347565000 for the year 2011. China
has a very high literacy rate of 98.9% for youth between 15 and 24
years of age. Gross enrollment ratio (GER) of 24% is prevalent in
tertiary or higher educational institutions for the year 2011. Of this,
the male GER was 23% and the female GER was 26%.
The amount of
government investment in public education expenditure amounted to 4% of
the GDP by the year 2012. The proportion was 3.48% of the GDP in 2008.
Increased public education expenditure will be incurred in fields such
as rural and compulsory education. China has one of the world’s largest higher
education system.
Do you know, teaching is one of the top profession in China.
The development of
degree and graduate education in China is prolific in recent years.
China’s higher education institutions had about 30 million students
enrolled within them in the March 2010, according to the National Bureau
of Statistics. This is a massive increase of around 8 million from the
year 2005. This signals an increase of approximately 35%. In the year
2010, China’s gross enrolment ratio grew by 6% from 2005. The total
number of teachers in higher educational institutions increased by 27%
from the year 2005 to 2010.
Degree/Undergraduate Education
undergraduate higher education system in China consists of a 4 year
program in universities, academies and specialized institutes. This 4
year program is called Xueshi. The Xueshi course at some medical
colleges and polytechnic institutes lasts for duration of 5 years.
Postgraduate and Doctorate Education
Postgraduate education
in China is attained following two to three years of study after having
obtained an undergraduate degree. The master’s degree (Shuoshi) also
requires the conduction of research and thesis. After completing the
required courses, students need to perform dissertation research. They
can complete the master’s program only after having obtained certain
number of credits.
Doctoral degree programs (Boshi) can be
completed in a minimum of 3 years after the master’s degree has been
attained. Students can only obtain a doctorate following recommendations
from 2 assistant professors or professors. A dissertation must be
declared satisfactory for the doctoral degree to be attained. The Degree
Committee of the State Council confers an Honorary Doctorate by a
college or university to scholars who are academically brilliant.
Statistics Pertaining to Higher Education
to the report provided by the Minister of Education in 2006, there were
over 3,000 higher educational institutions in the world. A total of
25.4 million students were enrolled in these institutions. Over 1,867
regular higher educational institutions reported an enrolment of over
17.4 million.
There were 444 institutions for adults with a
total number of 5.2 million students enrolled here, along with 994
private institutions. Over 2.8 million undergraduate students were
enrolled in distance education programs, according to this report.
Popular Courses Studied Globally
to the China's University and College Admission System (CUCAS) which is
the official online portal for international students for higher
educational institutions in China,
- The most popular courses studied in China include the Mandarin language, calligraphy, cultural studies and Chinese martial arts.
- Other
Chinese degree programs which are also popular among international
students include engineering, economics, science, medicine, trade, MBA
and finance. Many universities have degree programs in English so that
international students are not at a disadvantage.
- Academic qualifications given by Chinese universities are internationally recognized.
- The
Chinese government has signed an agreement about mutual recognition
with over 65 nations and regions across the world including the British,
French and American. China has assigned such as agreement with .
Subjects such as history, sports, and philosophy as well as Chinese folk
arts are ideal for those who want to excel in humanities and art.
Mainstream subjects such as engineering, science, medicine and
mathematics along with economics, finance, trade, management and
business are also popular choices for students who opt for studies in
Chinese universities and colleges.
China as a Study Destination
students from across the globe can opt for studies in China. In 2012,
over 320,000 students from above 180 countries came to China to study
for either degree or non-degree programs, according to CUCAS. China’s
universities and colleges offer Chinese as well as English medium
There are two types of universities in China namely comprehensive and professional universities.
- Comprehensive universities comprise a wide range of disciplines and they are ideal for those who want to specialize in scientific research.
- Professional universities are reserved for proficiency in certain academic disciplines.
demonstrate that the ratio of foreign students in China's most Beijing
University and Qinghua University is 2.4% and 2% of the total enrolment
respectively. China has a well developed management system for
international students as per the Ministry of Education as well as local
governments and universities. Special organizations are also present to
design teaching programs for students from all over the world.
has one of the best technical education colleges and universities in the
world. International students from across the globe visit these
universities for quality higher education. The Chinese higher
educational system is two tiered involving undergraduate as well as
graduate courses and degree programs.